Crufts 2014

Crufts Dog Show 2014  would be a very different one this year for me personally as I attended Crufts without my late husband Michael. The show this year saw Prince Zaphar and his son Lord Oscar plus Princess Zara representing the TRIECAP BEAGLESPrince Zaphar delivered his usual high-class, powerful & charismatic performance in the show ring but unfortunately this time in a very strong class he was unplaced.  Lord Oscar his son, demonstrated the class and quality that many in the Beagle-World are in high admiration of right-now that has seen him placed in the cards at every Championship Show that he has attended since Spring 2012 ~ unfortunately on this occasion he would leave empty handed for the first time this year.  Princess Zara performed in her usual elegant and strident fashion in Limit Bitch, on this occasion she was favoured by the judge in the short list but alas she was not placed in the final line-up.

Crufts 2014 Oscar 1 Crufts 2014 Zaphar 1 Crufts 2014 Zara 2

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