Crufts 2015

Crufts Dog Show 2015  would see a full compliment of the TRIECAP BEAGLES team represented at this prestigious event. Queen Ruby would make her debut this year and impressed the watching public with her elegant stride and beautiful features. Members of the public even took the time to come over and ask “Your Beagles are beautiful!”. The judge though did not agree with public opinion on this occasion, much to the disappointment of the ‘Triecap’ supporting public. The show this year would also see a record number of entries making the competition tougher. Prince Zaphar and Princess Zara showed all of there experience and class, by strutting their stuff in the ring, unfortunately the Judge on this occasion decided to award the cards to the younger Beagles. Lord Oscar continued his outstanding momentum, showing all of the quality he has shown this year, which has seen him in all previous shows placed in the cards. Unfortunately the Judge did not see his potential that others had admired in the past year.  “Breed judge was Mrs C Lewis.” 

Oscar No.2.

Zaphar No.1.B.

Ruby No.1a.

Zara No.2.

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